Henrik Trygg/mediabank.visitstockholm.com
Thank you for being a part of ESTAD 2021. The event is now over and this website will no longer be updated, the information will be available until the end of the year.
In 2021, Jernkontoret – the Swedish Steel Producers’ Association – presents:
5th ESTAD (European Steel Technology and Application Days)
August 30 to September 2, 2021 – Digital platform and The Brewery Conference Centre Stockholm, Sweden
ESTAD2021 will be digital, with options to be on-site!
After careful consideration and considering the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) developments, it has become clear that conducting ESTAD2021 on August 30 to September 2, 2021 as digital conference is our only option. But keep reading, there are great options to be on-site in our “Steel-bar” as well for you who can travel to Stockholm!
Although the Swedish government have lifted many restrictions recently, it is still challenging to travel to Stockholm from other countries and many organizations still have travel restrictions for their employees. Therefore, we have decided it best to adapt in accordance. For those of you that are able to come to Stockholm, don’t hesitate. We will offer you a great event! There are 50% of already registered participants who want to be on-site, so there will be great networking opportunities.
With the current restrictions in Sweden it is possible to attend physically at the venue for the digital conference. All presentations except plenary on Monday, ReUSteel on Tuesday, and Hybrit on Wednesday, are pre-recorded, to level the circumstances for the presenters and audience. The sessions will be hosted similar to a sports bar, our very own “Steel-bar”, with wall screens and headphones enabling you to follow and switch between the different sessions and presentations and of course talk to other present colleagues during breaks. There will still be a hosted dinner for networking (and good food), albeit on a smaller scale. All participants, on-site and digital, will be able to communicate via the digital platform.
Making the conference a digital event will enable us to provide the experience that our attendees, speakers, partners, employees, sponsors, and exhibitors expect and deserve, while keeping everybody safe and staying within all safety regulations. We want to thank all of you for your support, open discussions, and encouragement. As everyone has been reminding us, great things happen when the steel community comes together and connects at ESTAD. We firmly believe this to be valid also for our digital event.
The latest information will always be available at estad2021.com. Please take a moment to let us know if you have any questions.
We look forward to greeting you digitally or for you who can come to Stockholm, we look forward to greeting you in person!
Only those who continue to develop their businesses remain competitive. The prerequisite for this development means being constantly informed about the latest and most sophisticated technological advances, exchanging ideas and initiating and expanding networks with clients, partners and suppliers. Therefore Jernkontoret invites you to attend the 5th European Steel Technology and Application Days (ESTAD) 2021 in Stockholm.
Jernkontoret and its partners offer visitors the perfect opportunity to reach their objectives. At this event you acquire the latest information on new ideas and developments as well as on the state-of-the-art in metallurgical process technologies for iron and steel production, steel materials and steel application.
Last updated:
September 16, 2021.
Editor in chief: Nathalie Krumm, Jernkontoret.
+46 8 679 17 00
Box 1721
SE-111 87 Stockholm
Conference Secretariat
Academic Conferences
Professional Congress Organiser
Direct: +46 18 67 15 33
Switchboard: +46 18 67 10 03
PO Box 7059
750 07 Uppsala