ESTAD 2021 – access to the digital conference platform
The ESTAD conference digital platform is provided by AppInConf. Registered participants will receive a link to access the conference digital platform and a login instruction by e-mail. The e-mail has been sent on Thursday 26 August to all previously registered participants, and continuosly to later registered. Please check spam if you have not received it yet, since many company firewalls are reluctant to authorize system created e-mail messages.
The login details are not synchronized between registration system and platform, so it might take up to a few hours before your receive your access. We don’t update the system during the night (Swedish local time, CEST)
ESTAD 2021 – digital and on-site – information update 7 July
The decision by the Local Organizers, after reviewing the current Covid-situation and regulations, is to take advantage of the new technological developments, and adapt it to fit you who wish to attend physically as well as you who prefer digital attendance.
- All oral presentations (except for a few specific sessions) are pre-recorded, in order to level the circumstances for the presenters and audience. whether you attend digitally or physically on-site.
- Both digital and on-site participants will have access to the conference platform where you can follow all presentations, connect to all abstracts, posters, and network across the digital/on-site lines.
- Welcome Reception and Conference Dinner will be held for on-site participants registered to the specific event.
- On-site participants will have access to the uniqe “Steel-bar” with inspiration from a sports bar, with wall screens and headphones enabling you to follow and switch between ongoing sessions, and still remain in the company of your fellow on-site attendees.
We recommend that you take part of the information below, before entering the on-line registration system, by using one of the blue buttons.
Registration fees
Exchange rates may vary. To see current exchange rates, please visit ask your bank, or visit a web based currency converter, for example,, or your choice of bank or converter service
The conference fee includes access to the full conference programme, lunches and coffee breaks, conference material, and the Get-together on 30 August.
The fee also includes access after the conference to the digital programme. Access available until 18 june, 2022 (one year)
On-site participation, regular fee, full conference
- Early bird registration, by 29 August SEK 8,000
- Registration fee, after 29 August SEK 10,000
On-site participation, PhD-student at a university, full conference
PhD-students should provide a scanned copy of your student ID-card, or a letter from your department confirming your PhD-student status at your university at registration. JPG, PNG and PDF format is acceptable by the registration system.
- Early bird registration, by 29 August SEK 5,000
- Registration fee, after 29 August SEK 8,000
On-site participation, ONE DAY only
- SEK 3,000 – same fee independent of attendance one day at 30 or 31 August, or at 1 or 2 September.
- No late fee applies.
25% VAT will be added to all on-site fees before payment.
Social events – only available for participants for on-site full conference
Please note that the social events need pre-registration on the registration form.
Get-together, 30 August
The get-together will start shortly after the closure of the last scientific session of the day. A drink and light refreshments will be served in the exhibition hall.
No extra charge, the get-together is included in the registration fee.
Conference Dinner, 1 September
The conference dinner starts at 19.00 on 1 September at the conference venue.
Dinner ticket: SEK 1,000 + VAT (25%, total 1,250 incl VAT)
The registration fee includes access to the full digital conference programme, until 18 june, 2022 (one year).
Digital participation, regular fee, full conference
- Registration fee SEK 5,000
- No late fee applies
Digital participation, PhD-student at a university, full conference
PhD-students should provide a scanned copy of your student ID-card, or a letter from your department confirming your PhD-student status at your university at registration. JPG, PNG and PDF format is acceptable by the registration system.
- Registration fee SEK 3,500
- No late fee applies
One-day fee is not available for digital participation.
VAT is not applicable for digital viewing from across a border. This means no VAT added to the fee, for digital participation from another country than Sweden.
- Payment
- VAT on events and digital events
- Conditions for cancellation, refund and changes
- Privacy Policy
Payment must be implemented before the conference. Payment can be made by credit card or by bank transfer (invoice). The invoice option is available up until 1 August, 2021 at the latest. After 1 August, only credit card payment will be possible.
Swedish delegates
- Swedish delegates can choose to pay either by credit card or by invoice.
- If you choose to pay by invoice, you will receive your invoice by e-invoice in first hand and otherwise as a pdf attachment by e-mail.
Delegates from outside Sweden
For VAT regulations, please see information on the VAT on events and digital events tab.
- All payments must be made in SEK (Swedish krona).
- Payment should be made by credit card or by bank transfer.
- Upon choice of payment method ”International bank transfer” on the registration form, you will receive an invoice including bank transfer information such as bank account, IBAN, etc. The invoice will be sent as a pdf attachment by e-mail.
- We will not accept any bank charge deductions.
- Please note that we accept the following credit cards: VISA and Master Card.
- Your credit card must be connected to 3D Secure, that is, Verified by Visa or MasterCard SecureCode. Your bank can help you check that your card is connected, or help you to connect it.
- Credit card payment is implemented through Nets, payment solutions for secure on-line payment.
On-site participation
All participants, excluding Swedish government public organizations (“statliga myndigheter”):
25% VAT will be added before payment.
Digital participation
All participants in Sweden, excluding Swedish government public organizations (statliga myndigheter): 25% VAT will be added before payment.
All participants outside Sweden – the rest of the world. No VAT will be added to the registration fee.
On-site registration
- A cancellation fee of 25% of the full registration fee, will be charged for cancellations made by 1 July, 2021, at the latest.
- For cancellations after 1 July, no refund will be made.
- If the physical/on-site conference should be cancelled by the organizers, the difference between on-site and digital conference fees will be refunded in full.
- If the participant wishes to change from physical to digital participation, this will be possible by 13 August, 2021, at the latest. For changes after 13 August, no refund will be made.
Digital registration
- A cancellation fee of 25% of the full registration fee, will be charged for cancellations made by 1 July, 2021, at the latest.
- For cancellations after 1 July, no refund will be made.
- A participant registered for digital participation, can upgrade from digital to physical participation, and receive the on-site early bird registration fee by 13 August, 2021, at the latest. No changes will be possible after 13 August.
Cancellations must be sent in writing to
Academic Conferences is the ESTAD 2021 administration office. We administer conferences and other events. In order to do this, we must collect and process personal data. The purpose of our privacy policy is to explain the data we collect and how we use it, as well as your rights as a data subject.
Link to open Academic_Conferences_Privacy_Policy.pdf (pdf)
Last updated:
September 16, 2021.
Editor in chief: Nathalie Krumm, Jernkontoret.
+46 8 679 17 00
Box 1721
SE-111 87 Stockholm
Conference Secretariat
Academic Conferences
Professional Congress Organiser
Direct: +46 18 67 15 33
Switchboard: +46 18 67 10 03
PO Box 7059
750 07 Uppsala