1. Ironmaking
This area will provide a platform for a discussion of the recent research work on development within Ironmaking. The main purposes are to give an up-to-date on the latest development and studies in the areas and sub areas, to share the experience, ideas and strategies, and to discuss the current issues facing those involved in this field.
Examples of topics and sub topics to be covered
1.1 Coke making
- Fundamentals in coke making
- Coal blending practice
- Latest developments in slot oven plant technology and design
- Latest developments in heat recovery oven plant technology and design
- New coke making technologies
- Coke oven repair techniques and life prolongation
- Measures for improving coke quality
- Measurement of wall displacement and pressure of coke oven chamber
- Coke plant operation, instrumentation and automation
- Improving productivity and safety
- Stamp charging technology
- Coke oven gas cleaning and utilization of by-products
- Graphite formation at coke ovens
- Coke quenching technologies
- Coke oven refractories
1.2 Sintering and pelletizing
- Fundamentals in sintering
- Sinter plant construction and layout
- Sinter process optimization
- Sinter plant operation and automation
- Use of concentrates in sinter mix
- Sinter quality
- Sinter cooling
- Sinter plant waste gas cleaning
- Energy recovery and use in sinter plants
- Fundamentals in pelletizing
- Pellet plant construction and layout
- Pellet plant operation and automation
- Production of acid and fluxed pellets
- Use of hematite and/or magnetite pellet feed for pellet production
- Pellet qualities
- Reduction of pellets under different conditions
1.3 Blast furnace ironmaking
- Fundamentals in blast furnace ironmaking
- Blast furnace construction and design
- Blast furnace process optimization and automation
- Modern process control techniques
- Blast furnace relining’s
- Blast furnace campaign life extension
- Blast furnace refractories and cooling
- Blast furnace charging
- Blast furnace productivity
- Blast furnace hearth management
- Hot metal and slag quality
- Coke quality requirements and reduced coke rates
- Injection of auxiliary reductants (coal, oil, gas, plastics) and oxygen
- Hot blast stoves
- New blast furnaces
- Blast furnace liquid management and casting practice
- Gas cleaning devices
- Top gas expansion and recovery turbines
- Oxygen and top gas recycling blast furnace
- Alternative blast furnace processes
1.4 Direct reduction and smelting reduction
- Fundamentals in direct reduction and smelting reduction
- Production and use of DRI and HBI
- Gas-based DRI processes and new developments
- Hydrogen based DRI processes
- Coal-based DRI processes and new developments
- Transport and charge of hot DRI to electric arc furnaces
- Shipment of DRI and HBI
- Current status of Corex and Finex processes
- Status of HIsarna process
- Other smelting reduction processes
Scientific Advisory Board Ironmaking
- Chrisytian Böhm, Primetals Technologies Austria GmbH, Austria
- Jarmo Lilja, SSAB (Rahe), Finland
- Prof. Lena Sundqvist, Swerim, Sweden
- Jan van der Stel, Tatasteel, Netherlands
- Dr. Miachael Peters, Thyssenkrupp, Germany
- Dr.-Ing. Hans Bodo Lüngen, Steel Institute VDEh, Germany
- Dr. Jean-Paul Allemand, ArcelorMittal, France
Last updated:
September 16, 2021.
Editor in chief: Nathalie Krumm, Jernkontoret.
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