Guidelines for Authors & Speakers
Deadline for full proceedings
We know that your time schedule is tight, but kindly request you to read and follow the guidelines for authors and speakers below.
Due to the uncertainty concerning the covid-19 pandemic, we need all oral presentations to be pre-recorded. Under all circumstances we will offer a digital conference, but we hope to be able to offer an on-site event.
During the digital solution we will publish the pre-recorded presentations, synchronized with the program. All presentations can be found for participants in a digital form during 1 year after the conference.
Oral Presentation
The time allotted for a presentation is 20 minutes (full oral) or 5 minutes (short oral). One session is 90 minutes and includes max. 4 full oral presentations, or a mix of full and short presentations. In the end of each session a total of at least 10 min is allocated for questions to all speakers in the session.
As mentioned earlier we need your presentation pre-recorded. Instructions on how to prepare and later upload your presentation will be sent in due course. A PowerPoint presentation template will also be made available.
Important dates for Speakers
In order to accept your abstract in the final program, you must follow the rules below:
- Registration of your participation not later than June 15
- Full payment of the participant fee for speakers not later than June 15
- Delivery of a pre-recorded presentation not later than Aug 6
Note: If you register for a digital participation you can always upgrade it to an on-site participation by paying the difference early bird fee and the digital fee until Aug 6.
Guidelines for Producing a Paper
For those of you who intend to submit a paper or an extended version of your abstract (mostly welcome) must be submitted in the abstract submission system. Once logged in you will see a button named Upload paper next to your abstract title.
Note: All conference material will be available for participants during one year after the conference
The following general outline should be used as a guide for organizing your paper:
All contributions must be written in English, and the units used are those of the International
Metric System of Units (SI); for example:
Base quantity | Name | Symbol |
length | meter | m |
volume | cubic meter | m3 |
mass | kilogram | kg |
time | second | s |
electric | current ampere | A |
temperature | kelvin / Celsius | K / ° C |
pressure | bar | bar |
amount of substance | mole | mol |
luminous intensity | candela | cd |
Table 1: International Metric System of Units (SI)
The title must be the same as you previously submitted for the final program. Do not type in capital letters only. If you want to change the title of your presentation and your paper, please inform us by at the latest.
Author(s) Name(s) and Affiliations(s)
List the author’s full name and those of any co-authors. Please follow the example: R. Smith, J. Schmitz, Company/Institution/University 1, Country; P. Miller, S. Winter, Company/Institution/University 2, Country; etc. Do not type in capital letters only.
Only speakers will be offered a reduced conference fee; please use only the speaker platform to register. Co-authors must register as standard conference participant if they want to participate.
Contact data
Please name a contact to whom the reader can direct questions about the paper (Name, Company, Address, Phone, Fax, Email).
The Summary must state the main object, scope and findings of the work in no more than 300 words.
Key Words
Key Words will be used to help the reader identify the main topics your paper is dealing with. A list of six to eight Key Words are required to accompany the summary.
The introduction should give a brief overview of any preconditions, procedures and problems presented in the paper.
Tables and Figures
Each figure and table must have a caption typed directly below it such as Figure 1 and 2.
Figure 1: End-of-pipe solution by fabric filter technology at Rogesa
Figure 2: Iron efficiency indicator of the German steel industry
A conclusion should briefly review the most significant information and conclusions of the paper. A well-written conclusion should be no more than one paragraph.
All abbreviations used in the paper should be explained in a table.
An acknowledgment is optional; however, if one is included it should be brief and written in the first person, using “I” or “we”.
References should be cited in the following manner:
[1] Johnson, M.; Argyris, R.; MCGee, T.: Iron ores and coke supplies for the German steel industry; Int. J. Machine Tool Res., 25-50 (2009), P. 30
[2] Goodfellows, H. D.; Pozzi, M.: Coke reactivity in steelmaking; MPT, 2006, No. 6, P. 24-30
An appendix is optional; however, if one is included it should be related to one topic and each topic should form a separate appendix.
Formatting Instructions
- Once you receive your username and password please log-in to your personal area.
- Please check and complete your submitted data. Submit your paper as a Word and PDF file (with complete incorporated pictures). Please make sure that you have the copyright of all pictures. The organizer is not liable for any claims.
- Please type manuscripts using DIN A4 paper following the instructions below.
- A Word template that accompanies these guidelines is available for download at the bottom of this page
- The margins are 20 mm on the top, 15 mm on the left and the right, and 24 mm for the bottom.
- The font to be used is Arial and the font size is 10 pt, line spacing is 12 pt.
- Captions below tables and figures should be typed in 10 pt italic.
- The font for the title is 13 pt bold, line spacing is 16 pt.
- The font for headlines (e.g. Conclusion, Introduction, etc.) is 12 pt bold, line spacing is 12 pt.
- The maximum space available is 10 pages.
- The paper will be published in electronic form; so please ensure good quality for the pictures, tables and diagrams. All graphics can be in color.
- Please type left-aligned; the text must be arranged in two columns.
- The limit for your Word and PDF file is 20 MB.
Due to the enormous number of papers, we are not able to proofread either the papers or the presentations. Please make sure that spelling and grammar are correct and that you followed the Guidelines for Authors / Speakers properly.
If the paper is not in the right format, we will not accept it. Papers submitted in the wrong format or after the deadline might not be published and the presentations deleted from the program.
Equations are set away from the text by a double space above and below the equation.
Copyright of all material published in the 5th ESTAD 2021 Proceedings passes over to Jernkontoret.
Last updated:
September 16, 2021.
Editor in chief: Nathalie Krumm, Jernkontoret.
+46 8 679 17 00
Box 1721
SE-111 87 Stockholm
Conference Secretariat
Academic Conferences
Professional Congress Organiser
Direct: +46 18 67 15 33
Switchboard: +46 18 67 10 03
PO Box 7059
750 07 Uppsala